Instrument Engineering

With more than 30 years experience, Longcap Engineering Ltd. can provide you with Instrument Engineering of the highest calibre. Process systems need reliable accurate measurements, that comply with standards and guarantee they are unaffected by the process conditons.

From single instrument duties to large automation projects, Longcap Engineering Ltd can provide the expertise.

  • Selection & Specification of all types of industrial instrumentation 
    • Flow, Level, Temperature, Pressure, Weight, Analytical
    • Valves - Automatic, Emergency Shut off
    • Control Valves
    • Skid mounted applications
  • Hazardous Area Applications
  • Commissioning 

Functional Safety

Functional Safety for the Process Industry - IEC61508 and IEC61511 'Many engineers focus on SIL assessments and SIL calculations, without fully realising that there are more fundamental issues to resolve than providing a set of calculations to show the Safety Instrument Function is correct'. Is it better to use an instrument you know performs reliably in the duty or one that has the highest bench test reliability? Ask the INSTRUMENT ENGINEER. Longcap Engineering Ltd can help with a pragmatic approach to standard compliance Underpinning the Lifecycle Phases of IEC61508 and IEC61511 is Functional Safety Management (Planning, Competence, Verification, Audit and Assessement)  Longcap Engineering Ltd can help with any of the LifeCycle Phases. Concept Hazard & Risk Assessment Allocation of Protection Layers SIS Requirements Specification SIL Assessment by Risk Graph, LOPA, Fault Tree ABB TRAC software Desgin & Engineering SIL verification Relaibility Calculations Hardware Fault Tolerance Equipment Failure Data Installation, Commissioning and Validation Operation & Maintenance


Electrical engineering

Cable sizing and fault calculations
Load Studies
Electrical Distribution
Motor Control Centres
Motors and variable frequency drives
Small Power and Lighting Design

Documentation & Draughting

We can meet your Documentation and Draughting needs CAD drawings - fixed fee.


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